对外汉语班Chinese-Language Class
◎希望提高中文水平的外籍人士 ,希望短期或长期在深圳或中国发展的外籍人士
【Course Description】
This course is suitable for people who have no prior knowledge of the Chinese language. It is designed for beginners to gain a basic knowledge and confidence in using Chinese. The Chinese sentence structure, grammar and basic Chinese characters will be introduced in the course. Pinyin as a pronunciation tool will be taught at the beginning. Basic vocabulary and conversation topics will be provided through typical everyday scenarios.Students will acquire essential skills in using daily Chinese and be ready to a long-term Chinese language study.
CL0001 |
Chinese-learning |
March 20th - April 17th Saturday 8:30-11:00;11:50-14:20 |
CL0002 |
Chinese-learning |
April 24th - May 22ed Saturday 8:30-11:00;11:50-14:20 |
CL0003 |
Chinese-learning |
March 21st -April 18th Sunday 8:30-11:00;11:50-14:20 |
CL0004 |
Chinese-learning |
April 25th –May 23rd Sunday 8:30-11:00;11:50-14:20 |