Now a strong and popular language training institution with seven branches, Randolph Language Center was established by some returned scholars and an American Professor Randolph Wadsworth in 1995. There are six departments in the center: the Department of Corporate Training, the Department of General English, the Department of English for Special Purposes (TOEFL, IELTS, PETS, and BEC), the Department of Mandarin and Cantonese for Foreigners, and Department of Japanese & Korean. Among the various teaching methods or approaches, RLC has adopted the Functional-Communicative Teaching Method, recognized as the most mature and effective language teaching method by the international language teaching community. Today, the school has an enrolment of about 2000 students, and a strong pool of excellent Chinese teachers and native-speaking teachers. During the past six years, we have trained over 60,000 students and hence enjoy high prestige in the field of language training. In 1999, we became the only auhtorizee by ETS in South China to use their teaching materials. In 2003, we were deemed as Excellent Corporation by Tianhe government and the model school by the first China Continuing Education and Training Exhibition (Guangzhou). It is our mission to provide excellent service to the community. With our extensive training and management experience, we have confidence that this center will be your best language-learning partner.
本教程由我校加拿大英语教学法硕士江明俊、外国专家Steve Watson根据皮具行业特点专门编写的一部教材,推出以来受到学员热烈欢迎,现根据教学实践的检验和学员的反馈,已进一步改进,推出第二版,其主要特点是:
1、 简洁。考虑到皮具行业人士工作繁忙,可用学习时间少,我们在编写教材时特别突出简洁性,降低难度,使稍具英语基础者均可学习。
2、 实用。在内容选择上我们突出其实用性,使皮具业人士能够即学即用,学用结合,达到最佳效果。
3、 功能全面。在追求简洁、实用的同时,我们也照顾到了表达功能的全面性,使学员不致于在使用过程中因不全面而卡壳。
4、 同时,我们还为学员提供了皮具行业方面的大量专业词汇,以备学员随时查阅。
Lesson 1 Daily sentences 档口常用语(一)
Lesson 2 Daily sentences 档口常用语(二)
Lesson 3 Daily sentences 档口常用语(三)
Lesson 4 Daily sentences 档口常用语(四)
Lesson 5 Our company 公司
Lesson 6 Our products 产品
Lesson 7 Our discounts 折扣
Lesson 8 Our prices 价格
Lesson 9 Placing orders 下订单
Lesson 10 Wrapping up the deal 合同
Lesson 11 Packing 包装
Lesson 12 Delivery&shipment 发货
Lesson 13 Terms of payment 付款
Lesson 14 Compensations 赔偿
Appendix 1 附录: 皮具词汇大全
Appendix 2 附录: 色彩大全